Friday, April 9, 2010

Review - Ruby Tuesday

Sky Mitchell is hiding out in Baltimore, seeking peace and solitude while he struggles with a career decision. Lead singer of popular rock group The Universe, he’s thinking of going it alone. Wandering into an Irish pub, he’s ecstatic to discover the breakout single for his solo album—but the songwriter doesn’t want to sell. He challenges the woman to a contest. Not only does he win the song, but also a songwriting partner to complete the rest of the album.

Teagan Collins is sure of her talent but she’s never aspired to fame and fortune. She’s content singing folk tunes in her family’s pub. Working on an album with Sky tests her patience…and her libido. The hot rocker plays her body like a fine instrument, their desire deepening with each song they write.

But someone doesn’t want Sky to go solo, and will stop at nothing to sabotage the couple’s efforts. Undaunted, Sky wants Teagan to join him onstage at his farewell concert to sing her original, “Maybe Tomorrow”…
If they make it through today.


The second in the Wild Irish series by Mari Carr, Ruby Tuesday is the story of Pat and Sunday's middle daughter, Teagan and smexi rock star heartthrob, Sky Mitchell.

Sky, who's the lead singer of rock band, The Universe, is restless and wants more than what the band has to offer.  Taking some personal time, he heads to Baltimore to hide out and write songs for his upcoming solo album.  He winds up at Pat's Irish Pub where Teagan performs and the sparks begin to fly!

Teagan, an eloquent songwriter who's afraid to take that leap of faith and thinks that Sky is a "use 'em and lose 'em" rock star type.  Sky cajoles her into a bet and when she loses, she's now honor-bound to help him write new songs for his solo career. 

But someone doesn't want Teagan and Sky to finish that album....and they'll do anything to stop them.

This was such a fun read!  I haven't really been into a lot of the whole mystery/who-done-it books, but I'm starting to get a feel for them.  Especially if they're well written and don't give away the ending in the first chapter!  While on my second read through Ruby Tuesday, I saw all the little hints that Ms. Carr drops about the "bad guy."  Though the culprit wasn't that shocking, it was still a bit twisted at the end. (and that's all I'll say because you really need to read it to know how it turns out!) 

I will say this though:  at times I really wanted to smack the shit outta Sky, but I think that's what made him "real" to me (come on girls...I dare you to name one male that you haven't wanted to thwack a time or two because of their pigheadedness!) 

Teagan on the other hand was quite a refreshing heroine and a study in contrasts.  She's strong-willed and stubborn, yet quite shy and unassuming and at the same time.  She knows the talent that she has for song-writing, but is afraid to take that shot in the dark towards fame and fortune.

Over all a great read and totally worth 4 out of 5 smexen stars.


  1. Ooooo cool review Tassi! and yes yes, there's always some guy you wanna smack the face off off ^_^ I must check this author out, i've seen you stalk her LOL!!

  2. *weg* i'm such a good stalker-fan ^_^ and she's several other books too...Tequila Truth is a menage that's smexen as hell too!

  3. ah a rocker AND Irish, yummy combo! great review tassi lou

  4. Awesome review! This is my favorite of the Wild Irish series so far, though I love them all. Mari rocks. ;D

  5. Cool review- I like a good who dun it and I love Elora's Cave... I think I will check it! Only fair since I sent you surrying for ALL the immortals after Dark and Fetish!


  6. fankies for the comments girlies...i really like this author...and this series is just so much fun. I mean come on...who doesn't like the fact that there's 4 smoking hawt and single brothers (well one's taken already..and i'm keeping Killian locked in my basement..but other than that the rest are free game!)
