Monday, April 26, 2010

The seductiveness of the bookstore...

So while running errands this afternoon, I decided to stop by my local bookstore.  *coughs* Not only do they know me by NAME...but they know exactly what books I already have and which ones I'd probably enjoy reading.

That said...$75 later, I've enriched my collection of books by adding in the Nightwalker series by Jacquelyn Frank (I know...I know...I have no clue as to WHY they weren't already in my collection!) and Nora Roberts' newest Bride Quartet Series (and YES...I actually already had these...but they mysteriously disappeared from my shelves.)

*Smacks forhead* My wallet hates me now and I can't really blame it.  I think there should totally be a support group for this, maybe "Wallet Offenders Anonymous" or "Bookstore Crack Monkees"?

*deep breath* okay...psycho-babble is over now...thanks for listening..or reading...or whatever. ^_^

much hugs and love,


Friday, April 9, 2010

Review - Ruby Tuesday

Sky Mitchell is hiding out in Baltimore, seeking peace and solitude while he struggles with a career decision. Lead singer of popular rock group The Universe, he’s thinking of going it alone. Wandering into an Irish pub, he’s ecstatic to discover the breakout single for his solo album—but the songwriter doesn’t want to sell. He challenges the woman to a contest. Not only does he win the song, but also a songwriting partner to complete the rest of the album.

Teagan Collins is sure of her talent but she’s never aspired to fame and fortune. She’s content singing folk tunes in her family’s pub. Working on an album with Sky tests her patience…and her libido. The hot rocker plays her body like a fine instrument, their desire deepening with each song they write.

But someone doesn’t want Sky to go solo, and will stop at nothing to sabotage the couple’s efforts. Undaunted, Sky wants Teagan to join him onstage at his farewell concert to sing her original, “Maybe Tomorrow”…
If they make it through today.


The second in the Wild Irish series by Mari Carr, Ruby Tuesday is the story of Pat and Sunday's middle daughter, Teagan and smexi rock star heartthrob, Sky Mitchell.

Sky, who's the lead singer of rock band, The Universe, is restless and wants more than what the band has to offer.  Taking some personal time, he heads to Baltimore to hide out and write songs for his upcoming solo album.  He winds up at Pat's Irish Pub where Teagan performs and the sparks begin to fly!

Teagan, an eloquent songwriter who's afraid to take that leap of faith and thinks that Sky is a "use 'em and lose 'em" rock star type.  Sky cajoles her into a bet and when she loses, she's now honor-bound to help him write new songs for his solo career. 

But someone doesn't want Teagan and Sky to finish that album....and they'll do anything to stop them.

This was such a fun read!  I haven't really been into a lot of the whole mystery/who-done-it books, but I'm starting to get a feel for them.  Especially if they're well written and don't give away the ending in the first chapter!  While on my second read through Ruby Tuesday, I saw all the little hints that Ms. Carr drops about the "bad guy."  Though the culprit wasn't that shocking, it was still a bit twisted at the end. (and that's all I'll say because you really need to read it to know how it turns out!) 

I will say this though:  at times I really wanted to smack the shit outta Sky, but I think that's what made him "real" to me (come on girls...I dare you to name one male that you haven't wanted to thwack a time or two because of their pigheadedness!) 

Teagan on the other hand was quite a refreshing heroine and a study in contrasts.  She's strong-willed and stubborn, yet quite shy and unassuming and at the same time.  She knows the talent that she has for song-writing, but is afraid to take that shot in the dark towards fame and fortune.

Over all a great read and totally worth 4 out of 5 smexen stars.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Come Monday - Review

After the death of her mother years prior, Keira Collins became a surrogate parent to her six younger brothers and sisters, her own dreams put on hold. At twenty-seven, she’s finally pursuing a college degree. Between classes, working at the family pub and still tending to siblings, she’s no time for romance. So why is she spending all her rare free time fantasizing about hot Professor Wallace bending her over his desk?
Will Wallace recognizes Keira’s unfulfilled desires, her habit of hiding her beauty, her obsessive need to command every aspect of her life. But Will has needs of his own—and they run far darker than Keira’s. As he initiates her into his lifestyle, offering sweet punishments and sweeter rewards, Will’s sexual authority slowly strips away some of her precious control. The one thing Keira’s not ready to relinquish…


Having put her dreams aside to care for her younger siblings, Keira Collins is finally doing something for herself and going after her degree in Business Technology, and thankfully is one credit away from fulfilling her general education requirements...if only she can get through her creative writing class without becoming the cliched college coed who falls in love with her professor!  

Drawn to Keira against his better judgement, Will is much relieved when he's granted a sabbatical by the University.  He's free to pursue Keira and teach her exactly how creative he is in and out of the bedroom.

I first read Come Monday when it was released by Ellora's Cave back in November 2009.  (frankly, I tend to zip through books when I first get them, so am always re-reading them to find the small details that you sometimes miss when you speed read.)  

I've noticed that in some BDSM novels, the Heroine tends to be...well basically a frigging wimp and pushover (just because the heroine is sexually submissive...doesn't mean she can't be a total badass bitch outside the bedroom)  Thankfully, Mari Carr doesn't seem to have this problem!  Ms. Carr's characters are always real people...the kind that you can picture in a crowded pub or if you have a really vivid imagination, bent over their Creative Writing Professor's desk!
Come Monday is one of those books that grabs you and pulls you in and after the first few pages.  With impertinent siblings and steamy fantasies, Keira & Will's story will have you laughing and panting the whole time! And let's not forget the ultra-erotic love scenes:

"I'm going to take you Keira...make you mine."  
She moaned softly at his words, her palms pressed tightly against the desk.  
"Say it out loud, Keira.  Tell me what you want."  
"I want you to {take} me hard," she whispered. "Spank me."  
She would accept his spanking, and he couldn't wait to introduce her to even more.

While the sexy escapades of these two are'll find yourself riding Keira's emotional roller-coaster. (not to say that she's up and down the whole time....but the main tension in the story does revolve around Keira's emotions and Ms. Carr certainly delivers in her effort to make the reader sympathize with both Keira and Will's feelings and emotional hang-ups.)  And when all is said and done, you're left panting and moaning for more of the headstrong and exuberant Collins family....exactly the point I'm sure since there's 6 more books to follow!

All in all, i give this wonderful little e-book 4.5 out of 5 stars and definitely urge you to push it to the top of your TBR pile!



Monday, April 5, 2010

Here's Tassi!

I figured that since all i do is work, read, sleep, read, play sports with the kidlets, read and then sleep and read some more...that i'd finally start a blog.

YES! You heard it here first...the sassy one is starting a blog! *shrugs* it's bear's fault...i blame her entirely ^_^

so my blog will mostly be just my ramblings and opinions of whatever books i'm currently reading...which at the moment happens to be Mari Carr's Wild Irish series - Come Monday, Ruby Tuesday and Waiting for Wednesday. (on a side note: i'm still very willing to give up the wifey's unborn children if Ms. Carr would see it in her heart to send me an ARC of Killian's story)

Well...that about sums it check back for the sizzling reviews of the first three books in the Wild Irish series!