Wednesday, May 5, 2010

REVIEW - Lover Mine

In the darkest corners of the night in Caldwell, New York, a conflict like no other rages. Long divided as a terrifying battleground for the vampires and their enemies, the city is home to a band of brothers born to defend their race: the warrior vampires of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Oh I'm sooooo catching shit for this one!  

John Matthew has come a long way since he was found living among humans, his vampire nature unknown to himself and to those around him. After he was taken in by the Brotherhood, no one could guess what his true history was- or his true identity. Indeed, the fallen Brother Darius has returned, but with a different face and a very different destiny. As a vicious personal vendetta takes John into the heart of the war, he will need to call up on both who he is now and who he once was in order to face off against evil incarnate.

Xhex, a symphath assassin, has long steeled herself against the attraction between her and John Matthew. Having already lost one lover to madness, she will not allow the male of worth to fall prey to the darkness of her twisted life. When fate intervenes, however, the two discover that love, like destiny, is inevitable between soul mates.


Now, while I did title this as a review this is more my honest feelings towards Lover Mine and the BDB in general.

ATTENTION:  POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD FOR LOVER MINE.  stop now if you don't have the ballz to proceed.

Okay girls, now you know I love you but I have to say, I've read Lover Mine...and while I really enjoyed it overall...there were some parts that annoyed the shit outta me.  *ducks flying heels* Oi! Bear that's just not nice!  wench thinks she's getting these babies back she's got another thing coming

Lash for instance...he so could not have been more effing lame! And yes even some of the Darius parts annoyed me and I sped through them.  I liked seeing more of Payne, but when the first scene with her came in, I was all WTF...where did this shit come from? And don't even effing get me started on that ghost shit.  It really just jumped back and forth so much for me that I had to go back and re-read parts to make sure I hadn't missed a transition somewhere. 

I know all the BDB books are like this, but really? REALLY? Come on J.R. Ward! Just where the fork was your mind when you wrote some of this? hell pass me some of those drugs! before Bear and Jay go all psycho on me I'll squee for a bit.

Xhex and JM - OMG!!!  How frigging HAWT are those two!?!?  The heat between those two burned my knickers right off!  I found myself looking forward to their scenes more than anything and had to hold myself back from skipping ahead to get more.

Qhuay - I will totally agree with Bear here and say that I am totally Team Qhuay all the way!  Those two made me cry!  I wanted to beat the hell out of Qhuinn several times for being such an idiot and the same goes for Blay for being so quiet about his feelings!  On another low point, I have to say that Q standing outside the door while B lost his "virginity" really pissed me off.  I mean come on Ward!  We want man love and we want it NOW!!! 

Okay...gushing and rant aside...I'm honestly overall disappointed with Lover Mine.  I don't feel that it was worth my $25.  That money could have gone to buying me those smexen heels that I've been eyeing! 

I'd have to give LM a disappointing 3 out of 5 smexen stars and the only reason it gets that much is because of John Matthew and Xhex. 

Bottom Line?  Wait for the paperback release or borrow it from your local library.

Hugs and love,



  1. LOL not gonna lynch you Tassi-Lou, we each like what we'tr just WRONG is all! HAHAHHAHA!!

    this book had awesome written all over it, despite the few hiccups and WTF moments. Ward loves to keep us on a knife edge, all the cliff hangers with chapters.

    I just loved it. LOVED! But if i delve into why i loved it, i wanted her to get back to the romance of the brotherhood like in the beginning and for me, JM and Xhex did that, so it made me a happy happy Bear.

    I liked hearing your opinion Tassi! Now, where is my paddle?!?! ;) LOL!

  2. *covers eyes* y'all have read it I am all alone!

  3. The ghost stuff was a big - WTF. Why did she intro that character that way? Made no sense.

    Qhuay..OMG. LOVE. Xhex and JM..Hot.

    Loved the book :)

  4. @bear *brandishes paddle* you want it? come an get it wifey! I think it's more bleh for me because while i like the BDB books, i'm not all gaga over them like some are *coughs* wifey! *coughs*

    @Minx i can pretend that i haven't read it!

    @Mandy i know! that ghost made absolutely NO sense until the very end, even then it was still a WTF moment for me.

  5. sorry Mandi! my fingers went to the y instead of the i
